
Veterans Treatment Court

Veterans Treatment Court

Diverting offenders from jail and providing help to overcome service-related substance abuse and mental health problems

The cooperative effort of a team approach is a hallmark of the Sixth Judicial Circuit Veterans Treatment Court (VTC). It is a court-supervised, comprehensive treatment court for non-violent misdemeanor or felony defendants, who are serving or have served in the armed services. This is a voluntary program that involves frequent appearances before the VTC judge, substance abuse and/or mental health treatment and frequent, random testing for substance abuse as applicable. It is a treatment-based approach with various treatment options. 


Eligibility Criteria:

Eligibility is determined by the State Attorney’s Office after submission of an application to participate in Veterans Treatment Court. 

A defendant is eligible for Veterans Treatment Court if:

  1. The defendant has served or is serving in the United States Armed Forces, including National Guard and Reserves;
  2. The charge(s) stem from physical injuries or mental issues that are the result of the defendant’s military service;
  3. The charge(s) are misdemeanor(s) or third-degree felonies;
  4. The defendant has not previously participated in VTC unless this criterion is specifically waived by the State Attorney’s Office; and
  5. The defendant’s mental health/substance abuse assessment indicates that he/she is amenable to mental health and/or substance abuse treatment. 

Successful completion of the VTC plan will result in the dismissal of charges against defendants entering the program through Pre-Trial Intervention (defendants facing a first-time, non-violent, third-degree felony or misdemeanor charge and admitted at the sole discretion of the State Attorney). For defendants entering the Veterans Treatment Court as a condition of probation (post-plea VTC), successful completion may result in adjudication being withheld and/or a reduced length of probation. All participants are required to make frequent court appearances. Participants will appear before the VTC judge every 30 to 45 days. Veterans Treatment Court is a 12 to 24-month program. Persons who have completed treatment and remain drug-free and complete all of their Pre-Trial Intervention or probation requirements may petition the court for early termination. 

Direct inquiries to:

State Attorney’s Office – Veterans Treatment Court Unit – 727 464-6034.